Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Can't keep them home forever.......

The Saturday night before Cole was going to leave and move off to North MS, I had a small accident and I broke the wing on this Angel. Sorry Babe. I told Lee it gave me a thought for my blog. I know she was wondering what did the two have in me a lot...... When I saw the Angel with the broken wing, unable to fly anymore......I remembered back to when I was young and growing up out in the country, I would help my Paw Paw clip the feathers on one wing of each chicken to keep it from being able to fly....thus keeping it safe in the chicken pen.....keeping the dogs, fox, 'possums, coons.......even kept us from chasing them. He knew exactly where they were at all times......

Well, I thought of Cole....and Lee not wanting him to go......wanted him to stay here....go to school here.......keeping him close and keeping him safe. However, our lives are not that simple....we have to let go and watch them grow up......make their own choices......and always let them know how much they are loved, that we are here for them, that in the real world, life can be hard, their will be bumps, detours, and potholes and even dead ends....that nothing worthwhile is easy, it takes hard work, determination and lots of will power to succeed in life. Set your goals high, write them down...put a time frame on them regularly.

Cole giving us the peace sign......his age group says "Peace Out" instead of bye.....I use to say still do sometimes....."See ya round town" and here in our small will see them 'round town!! I didn't think Cole should go and didn't want him to go, but he is determined, strong willed and knows that we are here for him. With our prayers and God beside him, he will be OK.
Love ya man.
This is us acting up, long arms make it possible to take your own picture....ha!!


Deanna said...

I love the pictures. Two handsome men.

Is that little chickie a knockout or what??? LOL..such lovely eyes! Oh, and dang...your teeth are great Stevie!

Your pal,
Deanna :D

BTW, do you ever get some cute word verification words? I have to type the word - shingle. I would love to have that job.
Q: What do you do for a living?
A: I make up cute words for Blogger word verification.

Deanna said...

Hey Stevie,
come over to my blog when you get a chance. I have an award for you!

Your pal,
Deanna :D

MEME'S PLACE said...

Thank you for being there for Cole. He is so lucky to have a great friend like you. You are a wonderful person, and I just wanted to let you know. I love this post. It is so true. We do have to let them grow and make thier own decisions.I know my day is comming soon too. ttyl,meme:)