Friday, February 6, 2009

Pond the Honey Hole

I took Hailey and Garrett fishing at a friends pond. I hate for the kids to stay inside and watch, tv or play games when it is a pretty day.

About the first 20 minutes, it was boring for them. They weren't getting any bites. Hailey got the first white perch and after that it was on!! They kept me so busy, baiting hooks, taking fish off, untangling lines.....etc. Garrett would catch one.....then Hailey...... The wind starting blowing hard and the sky started getting dark, you could feel the moisture in the air. I looked out across the field and saw the rain coming, I gathered things up and loaded them in the truck. While I was at the truck, I heard both kids screaming, "Daddy!" "Mr. Stevie!". Expecting the worst, I turned around and Hailey's rod was bent over double. She had hung a good fish. After several minutes at coaching her and telling her she can do it, about a 4 pound catfish came to the surface, saw us and went back down. I don't know which one was happier or more nervous....Hailey or Garrett. I got Hailey to walk to the bank and we were able to land the fish. All together, they caught a couple of bream, about 14 white perch and 1 catfish. They had a great time!! They helped clean, cook and eat them!! The very next day, they were asking to go back.
We have caught a bunch of fish out of this ole pond. It is a "honey hole". This spring we will have some new pics!!


Deanna said...

Wow, this takes me back to my childhood. We were brought up going to the lake every weekend. Even though we had a, dad and friends skied, my siblings and I would stay at the ramps and try to land ourselves a catfish or two.

That was good, honest fun! We didn't have to clean our would do the work but my gosh, that was awesome fish.

Good on you, for taking the kids out on an adventure!

Deanna :D

Becky@Beyond The Picket Fence said...

Stevie--thanks so much for sharing your story of the hutch at my blog. You are sweet and it sounds like you two have fun together. I admire you, being a single dad. My BIL is a single dad to 4--it isn't easy. I don't know if I have met a kid who didn't like fishing. We take ours in the summer, and sometimes the boys do ice fishing. Have a good weekend--good luck thrifting!

A Southern Rose said...

I remember when you took them on this fishing trip. I had to work! They did have a lot of fun and Garrett bragged and talked about it for days. You will have to take them again, soon. Remember that time that you took Cole and y'all caught all those fish? I will look for those pictures for you.