Monday, April 20, 2009

Morning of Lee Laurie's test.......

As many of you already know, Lee Laurie had a heart cathe done last week. We are very happy and blessed that she has a strong heart. The Doc said if it was an 8 cylinder motor...she would be firing on all 8. This means that we go back to her regular doctor and try to tweak her meds....which the side effects are drowsiness and lowering of blood pressure....both of which might explain the fatigue??

Anyway, this is the morning of the test and I was able to take the day off to take her to the hospital and be with her the rest of the day. We are also blessed that I work with good Christian people who honestly believe that God is first, your family is second and your job is third.
I was also able to see by great nephew, Brody, that morning at the hospital. He was an Easter baby, 8.5 pounds, 21 inches long. Pictures will come.

I want to thank everyone that has came by or call to check on Lee Laurie, thank you all for all the prayers, a special....very special heart felt thanks to Ms Judy, Lee's mom. While Ms Judy was inside with Lee......(blogging......she wants her own blog now). She also did so much cleaning inside and fixed an awesome dinner......and I was able to cut grass and tidy up outside.......

I heard of people going to the extremes.......but this beats it all!! Go have a heart cathe, to get your yard cut, house cleaned, dinner dearest Lee Laurie, just asked us next time;-)!!


A Southern Rose said...

Thanks for going with me and being there for me. I was so scared. I'm so happy that the doctor didn't find any blockages. I know that a lot of people were praying for me. I know that you were.

Anonymous said...

What a cute picture!! Aw. I'm so thrilled it all turned out well for you Lee. And Steve, there is nothing like having loved ones around you when going into surgery. No matter how brave one might be there is a fear deep down. I'm sure your being there brought Lee great comfort.

The Muse said...

LL is one of the sweetest bloggers I know! is such a blessing to know she is being cared for and much!

Deanna said...

Nothing can happen to my Lee Laurie....I forbid it!
